Apply to Work
with Vicki

Are we a good fit?

I only work 1:1 with clients who know what they want and are genuinely ready to do the work. We go deep, fast.

I want to ensure I’m the best coach/mentor for you. I’m not for everyone, but for you, I might be the perfect fit. I’m very direct, and I follow my intuition. I don’t massage words; I speak the truth. I see you clearly; even the parts you want to hide.

Start by watching the video below, then fill out the application. You’ll then be taken to my calendar page to schedule your Pattern Breaker Session. If you don’t qualify, your session will be canceled and I’ll suggest a relevant group program, point you in the direction of helpful resources, or refer you to another coach.

Step 1

Watch video

Watch this video to learn a little about me, what it’s like working with me, and how this application process works.


Step 2


Fill out this short application and answer the questions honestly. You’ll then be taken to a page to schedule your Pattern Breaker Session.

I can bullshit myself about a lot of things, but I can't bullshit Vicki.

-Amy M.

So many things are significantly easier if you have the right tool.

Coaching is a tool. Ignoring the need for a tool can cost you in ways you simply cannot measure.

-Dean S.

Things I've always known I had in me are starting to unlock.

-Nicole K.

Vicki has helped me have a more positive perspective on all things in my life.

I still have challenges, but now I have better tools to help me through those difficult situations.

-CJ B.

The coaching with Vicki has been crucial to getting me to where I am.

There were no mantras to repeat, no daily routine to follow; this was personalized work that led to wonderful things unfolding in my life.

-Marilyn H.

apply to work with vicki